Marine ecosystems are exposed to the impact of a
number of multiple stressors, resulting from multiple drivers, also acting in different
areas. A non-exhaustive list of co-existing pressures includes climate change
(e.g. warming and acidification), pollution (litter, NHS), maritime traffic,
exploitation of living and non living resources, oligo/eutrophication, invasive
species. The need to assess and address the increasing presence of coexisting
environmental threats, which propagate in space and time across political
boundaries, calls for transactional coordinated actions based on
evidence-rooted common understanding. There is a clear need for sharing of
data, procedures, information and knowledge, in order to support multilevel governance
and shared spatial planning. At the same time there is a need to improve
observation and assessment capabilities, by integration of existing systems,
development of short term forecast systems, and incorporation of emerging
SHAREMED is an Interreg MED project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The project will increase the capability of managing authorities and
scientific community to assess and address hazards related to environmental
threats by:
1) Providing frameworks for collection,
comparison, integration, harmonisation of existing experiences and increasing
the possibility to find, access and use existing information.
2) Studying and testing procedures, multilevel
agreements, protocols to standardise and produce a shared database and products
to be used to assess environmental health and environmental hazards.
3) Improve observation and assessment
capabilities by: defining cooperation practises, integration of existing
infrastructure in joint transnational systems; defining and implementing a
relocatable forecast system; and incorporation of emerging technologies, with
particular reference to operational systems and biological properties.
The project will capitalise on knowledge provided
by previous projects and ongoing programs, and will contribute to the
definition of gap analysis, best practises, long term strategies and an action
plan for assessing and addressing environmental threats in the Mediterranean
Sea. The approach towards reaching the project goals will be applied throughout
the duration of the project through active participation of all Project
Partners in all Work Packages.
Project title: Sharing and enhancing capabilities to address
environmental threats in Mediterranean sea
Total budget: 3,100,000.00 €
ERDF funding: 2,575,50.00 €
IPA funding: 59,500.00
Project duration: 01.10.2019 – 30.06.2022
Lead partner: Istituto Nazionele di Oceanografia e di Geofisica
For more information visit our Project website: