Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance is a new instrument for pre-accession assistance for the period from 2007 to 2013 and it replaces the existing programmes CARDS, PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD. Financial value of IPA programme for the period of seven years amounts to € 11, 468 billion.
The Republic of Croatia is the beneficiary of the IPA programme since 2007 until the moment of the accession to EU. In charge of the overall coordination of the IPA program in Croatia is the Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU funds, while in charge of overall financial management is the Ministry of Finance.
IPA programme consists of five components:
IPA I- Transition Assistance and Institution Building
IPA II - Regional and Cross-Border Cooperation
IPA III - Regional Development - finances infrastructure projects of larger scale in the area of protection of environment and transport. It also finances programmes for encouragement of national competitiveness and balanced regional development.
IPA IIIA - Transport
IPA IIIB - Environment
IPA IIIC - Regional Competitiveness
IPA IV - Human Resources Development
IPA V - Rural Development
Activities that promote economic and social development and those financed under the components III and IV of the IPA programme are defined according to specific strategic and operational documents, so called Operational Programmes (OP).
National IPA Coordinator
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Hrvoje Dolenec, State Secretary
tel: + 385 (0)1 4569 205
fax: + 385 (0)1 6303 216
e-mail: hrvoje.dolenec@strategija.hr
Managing Authority of OP for Transport
Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and InfrastructuRE
Directorate for Strategic Infrastructure ObjectsKatarina Čop Bajde, Director
tel: + 385 (0)1 3783 991
fax: + 385 (0)1 3783 901
e-mail: katarina.copbajde@mmpi.hr
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