In the recent years, European Union has been paying special attention to the reduction of GHG emissions in the transport sector. One of the activities supported by both, EUSAIR strategy and European Green Deal is optimization of transport routes using intermodal and multimodal connections. TRANSPOENXT project, financed under Interreg Italy-Croatia CBC programme 2021-2027., aims to support the sustainable growth of cross-border intermodal and multimodal connections generated by maritime nodes in the Programme area through the modernization of ICT tools and implementation of innovative and original solutions in order to boost quality, safety, efficiency and environmental sustainability of transport services. To achieve this objective, project capitalizes on the main results and outputs of the project TRANSPOGOOD (Italy- Croatia 2014-2020) and continues to build a strong cross-border cooperation to improve the usage of TRANSPOGOOD Platform in order to facilitate and support smooth transportation process in the Programme Area.
TRANSPONEXT project focuses on three main sets of measures to achieve its objectives:
- preparatory actions and strategic framework - actions to support development of greener transport options through the cross-border strategy and action plan for intermodal transport
- implementation of new solutions - five new solutions in different ports and locations on both Croatian and Italian side in order to facilitate the flow of freight transport, to increase efficacy and reduce the costs of transport by increasing information availability
- development and performance of cross-border training schemes - cross-border training courses for traffic management in the coastal and inner areas to optimize the use of enhanced TRANSPOGOOD Platform tool upgraded in the project
TRANSPONEXT project consortium have 8 partners:
- Intermodal Transport Cluster
- CFLI - Intermodal Logistics Training Centre
- Istrian Development Agency - IDA Ltd.
- Agenzia di Sviluppo, Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti Pescara
- Port of Zadar Authority
- Port of Ploče Authority
Project total budget: EUR 2.706.230,70
ERDF funds: EUR 2.164.984,56.
Project duration: 30 months (01.03.2024 – 31.08.2026)